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Caucus Notice: Caucus Notice - January 13, 2025
Caucus Notice: Caucus Notice - January 13, 2025


Large Item Pick up

The Village will have large item April 28th, 2020. This is a convenience for Village residents only.  Any resident found to have gotten items from outside the village will be fined.

All items for large item pickup must be put by the curb in an orderly manner and if necessary contained in a container. Items will not be picked up if they are dumped by or in the street.

The following items will be picked up on large items pickup day.  Please place by curbside by 6:00 AM. Please separate your garbage items from the junk and metal items or they could be taken as garbage.

Junk items are furniture, mattresses, box springs, carpet (4′ or less pieces), sofas, chairs, beds, grills, dressers, lamps, porcelain toilets/sinks, small lawn mowers and snow blowers, etc.  If there is an excess amount of junk you could be charged a fee. If you have an excess amount of junk please contact Columbia County at (608) 742-6651  prior to the date of pickup.

Metal items are swing sets, bikes, small metal sheds with all shingles or wood removed.

Prohibited items: appliances, washer, dryer, stove, oven, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, 55 gallon barrels, fuel tanks, ballasts, wire, roofing, and demolition material, lumber, fencing, trees, brush, tires, waste oil, leaves and lawn clippings, electronics like computers, monitors etc.  Any appliances with coolants or Freon are not allowed.

You may contact Columbia County  at (608)-742-6651 for disposal of these items for a small fee.

Questions: Call either the Village office at (608)-429-2349 or  Columbia County at (608) 742-6651