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Caucus Notice: Caucus Notice - January 13, 2025


Burning ban in Village Limits Lifted

The burning ban within the Village Limits has been lifted. Please review the ordinance as listed and use common sense when burning. Please use the WDNR fire danger as a rule of thumb which may be found at

Any questions may be directed to Fire Chief Jeremy Crary at [email protected] or leave a meesage at 608-429-3393

SECTION 5.09         Open Burning.

(a)       Prohibitions.  No person, firm or corporation shall build any outdoor fire within the corporate limits of the Village of Wyocena except as set forth below in this Section.  This prohibition on burning includes burning of construction waste or debris at construction sites.  Further, this Section is intended to specifically prohibit the burning of refuse, garbage and other rubbish materials containing plastic and petroleum-based products or metals and other materials typically found in garbage.

(b)       Exceptions.

(1)       Outdoor cooking over a fire contained in a device or structure designed for such use is permissible.  This Section does not prohibit the warming of a person or the cooking of food, except that only wood, charcoal, propane, paper, or cardboard may be used as an accelerant, and the warming or cooking fire must be contained with a fire pit or within a rocked or bricked enclosure or grill, or within a device intended for warming or cooking. 

(2)       Controlled burning of grass, leaves or similar vegetation for environmental management purposes and the burning of grass, leaves or other lawn debris is permitted

(3)       Ceremonial campfire or bonfires are permitted.

(c)       Responsibility.

(1)       No fire shall be started or allowed to continue burning when the wind direction or wind speed will cause embers or other burning material to be carried onto any building or combustible material; nor any time that wind direction will carry smoke into the open windows of any building; nor any time the fire chief has deemed conditions are too hazardous for burning. Smoke from any recreational fire shall not create a nuisance for neighboring properties and fires shall be completely extinguished when police or fire department investigation determines a nuisance or danger is present.

(2)       All fires shall be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person at least 18 years of age until the fire has been completely extinguished. The means for extinguishing any fire must be kept immediately available at all times when a recreational fire is burning. Proper fire extinguishing equipment includes: a garden hose, shovels, water buckets or an ABC rated fire extinguisher [of] at least ten-pound capacity.

(3)       Any party who starts or maintains a recreational fire that is allowed to burn out of control shall be held responsible for paying any costs associated with fire control efforts to extinguish the fire.