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Caucus Notice: Caucus Notice - January 13, 2025
Caucus Notice: Caucus Notice - January 13, 2025


2021 Noxious Weed Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 66.0407, Wis. Stats., to each and every person who owns, occupies or controls land in the Village of Wyocena, located in the County of Columbia, State of Wisconsin, to destroy all noxious weeds on such property before the plants bloom.

            The noxious weeds by state statute are: Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny) and any other such weeds as the Columbia County Board or Village of Wyocena Board by ordinance or resolution declares to be noxious.

            The above named weeds must be destroyed at such time and in such manner as shall effectively prevent them from bearing seed or spreading to adjoining property as required by Section 66.0407, Wis. Stat.

            Kim Bauer, Village President